Euskaltzaindiak eta UZEIk 2022ko hitza aukeratu dute: «zorioneko»
Irulegiko eskua dela eta, hitz horrek hedabideetan eta sarean izan duen erabileran oinarrituta hautatu dute urteko hitz. Aranzadi Zientzia Elkarteak…
UZEI is working on a new project on Basque neologisms
A close look at the real evolution of the lexicon is essential for any language, and even more so, if… is born, a new publication that personalizes its contents based on technology developed by UZEI
Publication date: 10-01-2019 The electronic publication is the result of the collaboration between MCCtelecom, ISEA, Abantail and LKS…
The EAFT Terminology Summit: successful and interesting
A week has already passed since the EAFT Terminology Summit took place at the Kursaal Congress Centre, and the organisers…