Innovation and sustainability in terminology, the main topic of the EAFT Summit 2023
Begoña Arrate, from UZEI, presented a paper on the role of terminology in voice interactions between machines and operators in…
«No matter how much preparation you have to do terminology, if there is no political will, it is not enough»
Jordi Bover. Director of Termcat: No matter how much preparation you have to do terminology, if there is no political…
22nd AETER Conference
22nd AETER Conference: Loss of terminological domains: collaborative strategies for their reconquest and implementation WHERE AND WHEN Donostia / San…
Abierto el plazo de inscripción para la Jornada de especialistas en terminología «Estrategias para la recuperación y la implantación de dominios terminológicos»
Especialistas en terminología se reunirán el 3 de noviembre en la jornada titulada “Pérdida de dominios terminológicos: estrategias colaborativas para…