22nd AETER Conference
22nd AETER Conference: Loss of terminological domains: collaborative strategies for their reconquest and implementation WHERE AND WHEN Donostia / San…
Abierto el plazo de inscripción para la Jornada de especialistas en terminología «Estrategias para la recuperación y la implantación de dominios terminológicos»
Especialistas en terminología se reunirán el 3 de noviembre en la jornada titulada “Pérdida de dominios terminológicos: estrategias colaborativas para…
Terminology of fixed seat rowing
In the glossary “Terminology of fixed seat rowing” we have compiled the basic terms about this sport, in Basque, Spanish,…
The Pan-Latin Vocabulary of Rugby has been published by the DGLFLF in collaboration with UZEI, among others
In addition to the terminology in the Romance languages, the lexicon compiles more than 200 terms in Basque. This vocabulary…