Itzulpen-kudeaketako teknikaria kontratatzeko prozesua abian jarri du UZEIk
Itzulpen-kudeaketako teknikaria kontratatzeko prozesua abian jarri du UZEIk. Lanpostuaren ezaugarriak: Itzulpen-eskaerak kudeatzea. Itzulpen-eskaerak jaso, sailkatu, bidali, artxibatu… Proiektua prestatu (bolumenaren…
The BERREKIN project ends with the development of a bilingual digital assistant in Basque and Spanish based on Artificial Intelligence that resolves doubts about the manufacturing process
The project, coordinated by Vicomtech, has developed an assistant to help operators answering questions on various specific aspects of the…
2023ak utzi dizkigun 23 hitz berri eta zahar
Urteko errepasoa egiteko balio diguten hitzak biltzen ditugunean, hitz berriak edo erabilera nabarmena izan dutenak ez ezik, erabiltzeari uzteko bidea…
UZEI takes part at ADAPT-IA, a project aimed at the research and development of Artificial Intelligence applied to Language Technologies in Basque
The project, coordinated by Vicomtech, develops a prototype per member and sector that integrates the R&D activities, with the aim…