Updated maps of Spain and France with the new Basque demonyms
The updated maps of Spain and France now include the new standardized Basque demonyms established by the Basque Language Academy,…
Revamped Neoloteka Now Provides Direct Access to Source Contexts
Examples taken from the web now include a link to the original source. We have revamped the Neoloteka. Until now,…
Jose Antonio Aduriz Zabala lankidea eta laguna, gogoan
Oiartzunen (Gipuzkoa) jaio zen Jose Antonio, 1949ko azaroaren 1ean. Frantziskotarra izanik, berehala hurbildu zen Jakin aldizkariaren lantaldera, eta talde hartatik…
Kirolkidea, our new microsite for sports terminology
Kirolkidea, a new microsite designed to promote the use of the Basque language in sports, is now available. It is…