EAFT Terminology Summit
Donostia / San Sebastián, 22-23 November 2018
The EAFT Terminology Summit, whose aim is creating a solid platform for terminology and multilingualism, brings together all the institutions that work in the field of terminology.
It is held every two years in a different location, and this year it will take place at the Kursaal Congress Centre in Donostia / San Sebastián on the 22 and 23 November 2018, organized by EAFT in collaboration with UZEI.
In order to promote multilingual terminology work and to further the international dissemination of the Basque language, UZEI has always been a very active participant in the organization of these Summits and has played an important role chairing and making contributions.
The theme of this year’s EAFT Terminology Summit is “3M4Q: Making, Managing, Measuring Terminology. In the pursuit of Quality”.
The Summit comprises six presentation sessions, three poster sessions and a series of associated events that will be detailed below.
The official languages of the Summit will be English and French and interpretation services will be provided.
These are the topics that will be addressed at each of the six presentation sessions and the presentations comprised in each of them:
Which steps lead from the informal creation of terminology to its formal planning? This session will provide an overview of the needs of different languages (some of which are minorized languages) and the resources available for them.
- What effect can normalization have on the quality and success of terminology?
- How can criteria for assuring the quality of terminology be established in the normalization process?
- The important role that agents involved in the normalization process have in language planning.
- The evolution of terminology in language planning: the exemplary practices of pioneers that are by now widespread.
- Looking to the future. New challenges: normalization and new technologies, normalization and use…
The presentations comprised in session 1 will be the following:
- Araceli Diaz de Lezana, Vice-Ministry of Language Policy, Basque Government: Euskarazko terminologia-lana / Basque terminology work
- Donncha Ó Cróinín, Chief Terminologist at Foras na Gaeilge, Ireland: The Irish Terminology Committee and European Terminology
- Albina Auksoriūte, Lietuvių Kalbos Institutas, Lithuania: Lithuanian terminology in the beginning of XXI century
- Violina Stamtcheva, European Parliament, Terminology Coordination Unit: IATE 2 – not just a pretty new face
What is the starting point for the terminologist? The aim of this session is to analyze the process of terminology creation and to identify that which improves the quality of working procedures.
- How can quality be guaranteed when creating terminological dictionaries?
- How can quality be assured in terminology creation (appropriate standards, procedures, experts, corpora, tools etc.)?
- Can social networks and collaborative terminology be helpful as a starting point in quality assurance?
These are the presentations that will take place at session 2:
- Claudio Grimaldi, Realiter: Les lexiques REALITER : un travail terminologique collaboratif pour la promotion des langues romanes
- Eduards Cauna, Commission of Terminology of the Latvian Academy of Sciences: The wisdom of crowds in terminology creation: Is it working?
- Mojca Žagar Karer, ZRC SAZU, Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language: Terminological dictionary and terminological counselling: Two sides of the same coin
Terminology is developed by agents whose role in the process can vary, along with their level of training. The purpose of this session is to provide answers to the following questions:
What should the role of the terminologist be? Should terminologists prescribe terminology or should they act as facilitators? What should the collaboration between terminologists and experts be like?
And closely connected with that, how important is the training of:
- agents who develop terminology?
- users of terminology (translators and interpreters, technical writers, journalists etc.)?
Session 3 will consist of these presentations:
- Petra Drewer (Hochschule Karlsruhe – University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe, Germany) / Donatella Pulitano (State Chancellery of the Canton of Berne, Switzerland) / Tom Winter (Deutsche Bahn, Germany): Professional profiles in and around terminology management
- Dóra Mária Tamás, Hungarian Office for Translation and Attestation and Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Hungary: Hungarian legal terminology in education and practice
- Etienne Quillot, General Delegation for the French Language and in languages of France (DGLFLF): Les terminologues du dispositif d’enrichissement de la langue française : passeurs de savoir-faire terminologique
How might tools designed for advanced terminology management facilitate collaboration between terminologists and domain experts?
There is consensus among terminologists that there is currently no established, effective methodology to facilitate collaboration between terminologists and experts. Tools designed for advanced terminology management could be helpful in this regard, not only for creating and establishing such a methodology, but also for assuring the coherence of the terminology work.
Lessons learnt from creating tools for term extraction in translation memories, machine translation etc should also be taken into account when developing advanced terminology management tools.
The presentations in session 4 will be the following:
- Luis González, Spanish Language Department, DG Translation Field Office (DGT), European Commission Representation in Spain: Terminesp, une plateforme pour la convergence terminologique en espagnol: la contribution des services de traduction de l’UE
- Nina Lewau, Migrationsverket, Sweden: Terminology in enterprise architecture and business development – how Swedish government agencies learn from each other when accelerating their work in concept analysis
As it is vital that the work of terminologists reaches the end users of terminology, identifying the agents, procedures and factors that could facilitate this information transfer is key to assuring the success of terminology. The role of new technologies in achieving that goal must also be considered.
- Possible ways to raise awareness of terminology among its intended end users.
- Active terminology distribution and passive terminology distribution.
- How to identify agents crucial to the dissemination and implementation of terminology in a specific field, and how to influence them.
- The role of social networks and new technologies.
These will be the presentations comprising session 5:
- Cristina Valentini, Head of Terminology Unit, PCT Translation Division, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Switzerland: Terminology across borders: the example of WIPO Pearl
- Jordi Bover, Director of Termcat Terminology Centre, Catalonia: Thematic portals, a shortcut to disseminate terminology to specialized users
- Delyth Prys, Head of Language Technologies, Bangor University, Wales: Getting the right terms out to the right users
The use of terms reflects the extent to which these terms have been successful. Therefore, success can be a measure of the quality of the term. Possible ways to measure the use of terms will be analyzed.
- How can the use of terminology be measured?
- What is the success level of terms proposed during normalization processes?
- Can terminometry help in improving normalization processes, and if so how?
The presentations that will take place in session 6 are:
- Iker Etxebeste, Head of the Terminology Department at UZEI (Basque Centre for Terminology and Lexicography), Basque Country: Terminoen ezarpenaren azterketa diakronikoa euskarazko lege-testuetan: 2DITE lexiko elebidunen egiaztatzaile automatikoaren erabilera terminometrian / The diachronic study of term usage in Basque-language legal texts: use of UZEI’s automatic verifier for bilingual texts (2DITE) in terminometry
- Adam Renwick, Terminology and Translation Research Centre (CRTT), Lyon Lumière University, France: The How and the What of Terminological Implantation
- Gabrielle Le Tallet Lloret, Paris 13 University, France: Mesurer l’usage des noms de métiers au féminin : méthode et finalités du projet NEONAUTE
Poster sessions
Apart from the presentation sessions, three thematic poster sessions will also take place at the Summit, illustrating interesting projects and initiatives carried out in the field of terminology which are related to the theme of this year’s summit: “3M4Q: Making, Managing, Measuring Terminology. In the pursuit of Quality”.
Each poster session will last approximately half a day, giving attendees the possibility to discuss with people related to each of the projects or initiatives illustrated by the posters.
Associated events
The International Terminology Awards (ITAs) will also be presented at the Summit. They reward the best works in the field of terminological research, at master and doctoral levels. The prizes are given out every two years by an international jury formed by experts of recognized standing.
Apart from that, the annual EAFT General Assembly will take place in conjunction with the Terminology Summit, on 22 November, in Kursaal Congress Centre. Non-members are also welcome as observers. Copies of necessary documentation not sent out in advance will be available on site.
To end with, when registering at the Summit the options to attend the dinner of the Summit and/or the social event organized by Etxepare Basque Institute are offered.
If you are willing to register at EAFT Summit 2018 please follow these indications.
Registration deadline: 8 october.